Personalized Learning
Celebration Christian Academy has adopted the A.C.E School of Tomorrow Self-Paced Learning Program. Each student learns essential academics at their own pace, fulfilling learning gaps without being pressured to keep up with an age group. Once the learning gaps are covered, students have the freedom and pace to pursue advanced education.
Why Celebration Christian Academy?

Our Approach
Public Education has become a place of Indoctrination instead of Education. It is our desire to make the Bible the standard of our Education as it was before. We believe that every child is wonderfully made in God's Image and that it is our responsibility to help them fully reach their God-given purpose and potential.
Christian Education can be very expensive in the O.C. Our hope is to make it affordable again. The cost of private education should not be the same price as sending your children to a university. Our mission is to make Celebration Christian Academy, a ministry and not a business. We understand that placing our children in Christian Education is a big sacrifice, but the price should be closer to a car payment than a house payment.

Enhance Learning
Every parent and educator understands that each child is wonderfully unique. They have their pace of learning and distinctive ways of grasping knowledge. Discover how our educational philosophy sets us apart from any other school your child has experienced before. We are excited to embark on your child's journey with you.
Important News & Calender dates.
Celebration OC has just recently acquired the school facilities, but in light of all the propaganda taking place in the public school system, we know we are on a God-Given mandate to open this school year.
July 10th - Enrollment Begins
August 2nd - Open House
Aug 8-10th - Diagnostic Testing
Sept 5th - 1st Day of School
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Break
Dec 25-Jan 5th- Christmas Break
April 1-5th - Easter Break
June 14th - Last Day of School
School Hours
M-Thurs: 8:15 a.m.- 2:45 p.m.
Fridays: 8:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

For the Parents
Celebration Christian Academy is designed to help families train their children for Christian service. Our approach is a complementary one. God has established the family as the principal entity to train children, with the church serving as a second platform of spiritual training and leadership development for the family. The Christian school provides a third source of Godly influence. This arrangement is truly successful only if the direction being set by all three is in agreement.