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At Celebration Christian Academy, our primary focus is to equip young individuals for their future by fostering strong character development and providing exceptional academic education rooted in the teachings of the Bible.


We offer personalized learning experiences within a well-organized setting for students ranging from 1st to 8th grade (High School coming soon). Our curriculum is tailored to meet each student's level of accomplishment, allowing them to thrive at their own pace.

Under the guidance of experienced Learning Center Supervisors, students are supported in setting and achieving weekly goals, leading to successful learning outcomes. Our daily devotions, combined with a curriculum that integrates biblical principles, serve as a catalyst for students to cultivate and strengthen their moral character.

Full Time 
& Hybrid Class Available

We believe that Christian Education should be available to all.  It's important to have our children in safe places where they can learn and thrive.  Whether that is Full-Time in our Learning Center or if you choose a Hybrid Model both in our Learning Center and in your home.  Hybrid Models help parents in testing and teaching two days a week in class.  We will assist with all the "heavy lifting" twice a week, either Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday.  Whatever you choose, we are ready to partner with you in the success of your child's spiritual and academic journey.

We believe that Christian Education should be available to all.  It's important to have our children in safe places where they can learn and thrive.  Whether that is Full-Time in our Learning Center or if you choose a Hybrid Model both in our Learning Center and in your home.  Hybrid Models help parents in testing and teaching two days a week in class.  We will assist with all the "heavy lifting" twice a week, either Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday.  Whatever you choose, we are ready to partner with you in the success of your child's spiritual and academic journey.

We know that good teaching does not guarantee proper learning. The question is not, “Is my child being taught?” The question is, “Is my child learning?” The whole philosophy of A.C.E. is learning-based—not teaching-based. A.C.E. has identified five fundamental “laws of learning” and has made these learning concepts the very basis of the A.C.E. program.


These laws recognize that:
•    Your child must be at a level where he can perform.
•    He must have reasonable goals.
•    His learning must be controlled, and he must be motivated.
•    His learning must be measurable.
•    His learning must be rewarded.

With these laws in proper balance, your child experiences controlled, progressive, motivated learning, and like each student in the A.C.E. program, your child receives proper diagnosis and prescription in all academic areas. The result is an academic program tailored just for him.

As an involved parent, it is exciting to see the many built-in controls for honing your child’s study skills—memorization, controlled vocabulary, exercises in deduction and logic, and writing activities. The A.C.E. program also helps your child measure his own progress and achievement through built-in Checkups and Self Tests in every subject area. He is encouraged to assume responsibility for his own learning through controlled personal goals, scoring, correction of errors, and review before progressing further in the curriculum.
Your child learns valuable organizational skills, part of the A.C.E. program, by being required to set daily, challenging goals. There is a natural feeling of accomplishment as these goals are completed and crossed off. Your child gains self-worth and discipline in a life pattern that will equip him to reach his full potential and find success today and in tomorrow’s world.

The requirement of planning and completing goals and units of work within given time frames trains students in time management. When a child knows what the workload is and how much time daily he has to complete it, he is forced to plan and manage time in a responsible way. Because he must complete the entire unit, there is an assurance of familiarity with a wide variety of necessary skills and academic knowledge.


Conventional educational programs take the student through a spiral of material while introducing him to new skills in sequence. Since students are grouped chronologically, they are lock-stepped and receive the same material at the same time. However, students do not necessarily all have the same level of maturity as others of

their chronological age, and their natural learning rates are not lock-stepped with other students. The above-average student may master the skill the first time he is exposed to it, the average student may pick up part of it, and the below-average student will often grasp only a minimum amount or fail to understand it entirely. As the spiral continues, some students stay out in front while others are left behind for a season (or for good).


The A.C.E. program is designed around a new format: that of building skill upon skill. The scope and sequence ignore the concept of grade level and moves with continuous progress beginning with the first skill to be mastered. Depending on their ability and motivation levels, students may move ahead rapidly or take as long as necessary, but each student masters the material.


Each student learns essential academics and explores truths about God and His world without being pressured to keep up with a group. As the student moves upward, level after level, and moves into new concepts, he is far better prepared to learn because he has mastered the skill on the previous level. He does not advance until he has mastered each concept. He is not lock-stepped with his

classmates but is learning individually and completely before advancing. A.C.E. implements a unique and effective system.


Celebration Christian Academy uses the A.C.E. SCHOOL OF TOMORROW® curriculum ("P.A.C.E." Workbooks) to meet our educational goals and standards. We also require participation in Accelerated Reader, from grades 1-8. Using all of these programs and other extra curriculum materials allows us to offer rigorous, quality Christian education to each child.


P.A.C.E.  is an acronym that stands for Packet of Accelerated Christian Education. A.C.E. School of Tomorrow® has taken the conventional-style textbook and divided it into bite-sized, achievable booklets called PACEs. Each level consists of 12 PACEs per subject. PACEs integrate Godly character-building lessons into the academic content, and activities are carefully designed to develop thinking skills and create mastery learning. Celebration Christian Academy incorporates the use of the PACE along with in-class teaching and supervision for even greater academic success.


A.C.E. provides an unparalleled system of individualized learning through PACEs. With minimal assistance, PACEs allow your students to absorb subject material according to their own learning ability rather than being pushed forward or held back by age. For example, a student placed in the fifth grade by a conventional school may be working in Level 4 math, Level 5 science, and Level 5 English in the A.C.E. program. This system identifies previous "learning gaps" and corrects them specifically PACE by PACE, which means the student isn't building upon a weakness that will hinder them in the future. This also allows students to move ahead easily in some PACEs and proceed slower in others as needed.


Most students in this program advance much further than their grade level once learning gaps are filled. This is even further fortified by a passing grade of 80%.


In addition to the A.C.E. program, Celebration Christian Academy uses other resources for enhanced learning including course in Arts, Computer, Music, Karate, and so much more. High School students on Honor Roll will simultaneously take college courses.  

You want your child to have the best Christian education possible. It is good to know that A.C.E. has the same goal in mind for your child and has developed a highly effective program to equip your child to meet tomorrow’s challenges.


Schools and homeschools around the world use the A.C.E. School of Tomorrow® program in the training of their children. The A.C.E. program consists of Bible-based K–12 curriculum, student programs, and professional training. Although other publishers have marketed academic curricula, no one has produced a life-changing character package like that of A.C.E. Children’s minds develop best in a God-centered environment of absolutes and love. They emerge with a sweet attitude and with a greater, richer concept of God and how He wants them to live.

Academic achievement is one of the greatest strengths of A.C.E. School of Tomorrow®. Graduates from the A.C.E. program are attending more than 1,400 colleges and universities globally with outstanding performance.





(our curriculum)

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